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About the Game
Descent into Midnight is a Powered by the Apocalypse tabletop roleplaying game where the players take on the role of alien psionic creatures who are defending their home from an otherworldly corruption.
Standard Hardcover
Limited Edition Hardcover

"Descent Into Midnight achieves a poignance that captivates scientists and gamers alike, over and over. I can't recommend this transcendent game enough."
"I'm gonna say, my game is really really good, but this game is ridiculous!"
"DiM is the most strange, beautiful, and emotional games I have ever played. I will remember my first experience with it forever."
"Exploration without combat, co-op through building, not destroying. It allowed me to imagine a world outside our own perceptions. It was simultaneously a game and a meditation."
"I’m seriously missing this game already. Please, Rich Howard, may we have another?"
"Uniquely brilliant."
Concept LeadRich Howard is a San Diego-based hospice RN, writer, podcaster, and game designer who's past lives as a marine biologist and veterinary nurse fed his love of gaming for decades. His first RPG character had a Helmet of Underwater Action that never saw use, so he decided to anchor his design career on introducing the beauty, wonder, and terror of real world oceans to gamers everywhere.
Design LeadLee Mack grew up telling "Choose Your Own Adventure" stories to her friends on the playground and takes to RPGs like a fish to water. She hosts Game Closet, an informal chat show featuring other queer & LGBT+ folks in tabletop, and designs her own games under the Riverhouse Games brand. Their goals for game design are the same for their self-growth: weirder, gayer, more! When not telling stories with friends she loves fishing, swimming, and enjoying the outdoors in the Twin Cities of Minnesota.
Project LeadRichard Kreutz-Landry is a software engineer and origami artist. He's a native of San Diego, California and visited the sea otters, dolphins, and orcas at Sea World every chance he got as a kid. He went to school just up the hill from the Birch Aquarium in La Jolla, and is always only twenty minutes or so away from visiting the local seals.
Art Director / Layout EditorPaulomi S.P. is a south asian, queer creative who loves tabletop games and RPGs almost as much as she loves her dog... or Tex-Mex... or Horses... oh man she loves horses. When she's not art directing, she dabbles in VO, and can be found on Skyjacks: Courier's Call, as well as a guest on some of your fave podcasts!
Layout EditorRook Duncan Doelling is a Washington DC Area Graphic Designer and Podcaster, and basically grew up in rivers and streams in the Shenadoah Valley. They took to RPG's like a fish to water when they started playing as a teen. Something about the theatrics and the emotions stirred up during play resonated with their love of fantasical stories. When not playing RPG's they are normally knitting, snuggled up with their dog, and listening to horror podcasts.
IllustratorDevon George is a freelance science fiction and fantasy illustrator based in New England. They grew up visiting the aquarium and went to school at Montserrat College of Art, which is exactly three blocks from the beach. When in doubt, you can always find Devon drawing, drinking tea, or running a tabletop roleplaying game.
IllustratorTaylor Livingston is a freelance illustrator and full-time nerd from Minnesota. Growing up he wore out Monster Manuals and other game guides looking for new creatures and heroes to draw. Minnesota is about as far from a coast as you can get, so to him the ocean is both an endless source of inspiration as well as a super scary nightmare world!
Accessibility ConsultantChristine "Rhi" Scherer's favorite type of storytelling tool are RPGs, and she loves helping people make their games the best they can be. She's the GM and producer of the Magpies Podcast and the owner of Skill Check, which provides copy editing and accessibility consulting to the TTRPG community. She's active in at least four RPG campaigns at any given time and can't wait to tell you all about her newest character.
Copy EditorI-Hsien Sherwood is a savvy journalist, unsparing editor, punctuation fundamentalist, and great judge of character. He also co-hosts the RPG podcast Total Party Thrill and the business-adjacent podcast Ad Age Ad Block. He lives in Brooklyn, of course. Reach him @ihsiensherwood.
Web DeveloperWill Trufant was once introduced to some game-industry folks by MCG's Darcy Ross as "This is Will. He's ... from New Orleans." He's been working in IT for over 20 years, got into TTRPGs over 10 years ago, and with friends contributed an adventure and Investigator's Guide for Golden Goblin Press' Tales of the Crescent City Kickstarter in 2014. Will is always happy to be on the giving or receiving end of a hug and/or a bourbon.
Assistive Technology TesterRaina Harper represents the DOTS RPG Project, a growing non-profit dedicated to removing barriers between disabled people and the games they want to play. With her roots in developing high-quality braille dice and advocating for the unheard voices of the community, she aims to continue educating and aiding publishers in releasing accessible digital products, creating new adaptive tools for use at the gaming table, translating TTRPG books into braille, donating such materials to lending locations, and much more. Find her at www.dotsrpg.org or on Twitter at @dotsrpg.
Assistive Technology TesterAser Tolentino is a co-founder of The Redacted Files Podcast Network and Peculiar Books. His role-playing aesthetics tend toward investigative horror, military science fiction, and historical adventuring. Diagnosed with glaucoma at birth, he explores the world with his wife Megan and guide dog Dixie, and can regularly be found shouting into the void on Twitter.
Kickstarter ConsultantTracy Barnett is a non-binary, queer game designer, writer, editor, and consultant. Their current projects are Another Blank Page, making small games for their Patreon, editing for Velvet Generation, and of course, consulting on this Kickstarter. Find them on Twitter @TheOtherTracy